Master the Art of Podcasting & Skyrocket your Profits

Starting & growing your own podcast can be one of the GREATEST assets to your career, brand, business impact & income.


Are you ready to start & grow your own profitable podcast?

Having your own podcast can be one of the most valuable parts of your business & brand - now AND in the future!

Your podcast will help you establish more authority in your unique areas of expertise, it will fuel greater connections & opportunities and the options for monetization (your own courses, coaching, consulting, products, services, affiliate marketing, future book and/or sponsorships, etc) are literally limitless!

In this program, I am going to teach you everything I have learned over the past 4 years in starting, growing & monetizing my own podcast AND everything I would do differently IF I were starting my podcast over today.

My Podcast - Well Integrated Woman, is a Top 100 Entrepreneurship podcast in the U.S. & ranks Number ONE & in Top 25 around the WORLD monthly. It has had over 100K downloads in just 14 months. My coaching business & brand has grown by over 400% in the last two years. Career & business opportunities have never been better because of my brand & my podcast.

The growth of my podcast has happened because of strategy, brand clarity, monetization opportunities and key things that I will be teaching you in this program.


What we cover in this course:

> Discovering your podcast niche & clarifying your podcast brand + messaging

> Discovering your Target Audience & how to speak to them in a way where they will be glued to your content/shows

> Building your podcast community from Day One

> Essential Podcast Equipment

> Naming your Podcast, Cover Art, Description & Category

> Recording your podcast the EASY way

> Must-Haves before launching

> Top tips to have the *most* successful launch

> Show Notes- what works & what is a waste of your time

> Your show Intro & Outro - and the BEST way to know which strategy is best for you

> Planning your episodes & content to align with your business, offers AND simply showing up to deliver incredible value in the most FUN, flowy, effective way

> Creating true connection with your listeners to fuel your impact & profits

> Marketing your podcast- platforms, social media strategy for launch & after the launch of your show + technology to simplify your marketing efforts

> How-to repurpose your podcast content across multiple platforms

> Collaborations to GROW your show

> KEY ways you can set yourself up to monetize/profit from your podcast from day one & in the future

> My #1 TOP TIP to have in place before launching your podcast that can propel you, your brand, business & podcast quickly


This course is FOR you if...

> You are ready to build more authority in your unique areas of expertise to be seen as a leader in your space AND to expand your career, impact & income opportunities

> You want to learn how to start, grow & monetize your brand new OR current podcast in the most SIMPLE + POWERFUL ways

> You're an aspiring Podcaster who is ready to launch, scale & monetize your own podcast

> You already have a podcast, but you're ready to get more focus, intention & clarity around podcast to grow your business & brand while expanding your reach, impact & income opportunities.

> You already have a podcast, clarity around your brand & target audience BUT you're ready to grow it even more & increase your monetization opportunities


Upon enrollment you will have immediate access to all of the teaching modules & support materials inside this self-study course, so you can listen & integrate what you learn at your own pace.

You will have Lifetime Access to this course.


If it feels aligned, you can register below and I truly can't wait to see you inside this course!



 Imagine Owning a Top-Ranked, Profit-Generating Podcast.

Let's equip you with the skills & strategies to make this dream your reality.


© 2020-2024 - Tiffany Wallace/The Wallace Group, LLC/Well Integrated Woman -

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 Tiffany Wallace/The Wallace Group, LLC/Well Integrated Woman cannot and does not give any guarantee on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs, masterminds, mastercourses, coaching, plans, tools or strategies.

 You recognize and agree that nobody and no part of Tiffany Wallace/The Wallace Group, LLC/Well Integrated Woman Brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Tiffany Wallace/The Wallace Group, LLC/Well Integrated Woman programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses, mastercourses, or coaching and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise or representation by others. There is no guarantee of results or future earnings.