THE Passion to Profit BLUEPRINT:


Turn your Knowledge & Passions into Profit$ with your OWN Digital Product, Online Course, Coaching, Consulting or Service Provider Offer: Your Simple, Step-by-Step Roadmap to Get Started!

Are you ready to start making *MORE* money doing the things you love while having the freedom to live the life you truly desire?

Are you ready to monetize your expertise by creating a digital product, online course, coaching, consulting or service provider offer from your own knowledge, experience & passions - but you're not sure where to start?

My passion is helping multi-passionate women unlock their unique greatness, value & desires so they make more money doing what they love, to lead the lives they truly desire. One way I have done this myself, is by taking what I know & teaching it to others via online offers. In the BLUEPRINT I am teaching you exactly how to do this YOUR own way.

The Passion to Profit BLUEPRINT will walk you through a simple, step-by-step roadmap on how to get started with creating, launching & selling your OWN digital download, online course, coaching, consulting or service provider offers - so you can can turn your expertise into income streams, starting today.

You know you have incredible knowledge, skills, talents, life experiences, hobbies & passions that you could package up into your own offers to teach & help others in BIG ways - you just need a simple framework with the right steps to take action and make it happen FOR you!

In the BLUEPRINT, I am teaching you the exact framework that I have used in my business for 3 years to create, launch & sell my own digital products, online courses, trainings & coaching offers many times to create multi 5-Figures.

Imagine being on the sidelines of your kids game and getting a payment notification that one of your offers (eBook, journal, planner, template, guide, online course, coaching offer, etc) just sold. YES, it is possible!

  • You're looking for the opportunity to create another stream of income that is ALL yours
  • You're ready for passive income streams, so you can spend less time on your phone & more time enjoying your life
  • You love your current career or business, BUT you're currently capped on what you can earn & you're ready to make *more* money doing things you TRULY love
  • You're a fully booked coach, consultant or service provider who wants to bring in more revenue but you can't take on anymore 1:1 clients nor do you want to at this time
  • You're already a business owner, BUT you're ready to expand your money pathways in your business by creating an online income stream
  • You're burned out and/or simply ready for MORE in your 8-5 job,  in your Network Marketing/Social Selling or Affiliate Marketing business AND you know you could package up your expertise into a digital product, online course or coaching offer that serves *many* while giving you more freedom
  • You're ready to create your personal brand & to learn how turning your knowledge, interests, life experiences & passions into a digital product, online course, coaching, consulting or service provider offer can set you up for MULTIPLE income streams now & for years to come

What we cover in the BLUEPRINT:

> Business Foundations to set yourself up for success as an online business owner

> Getting clear on YOUR unique zone of genius that lights you up like a lighthouse & that you *truly* want to turn into an offer

> How-to if your Online Offer is profitable

> How to do Market Research the RIGHT way

> Mapping out your Digital Product, Online Course or Coaching Offer - so what you teach is potent, powerful & pure gold for your dream customer

> Choosing your Offer Type (digital download, online course, training, group coaching, coaching. consulting or service provider)

> Creating your Offer with ease - Canva templates & tutorials are included

> Instant access to my Core Offers Method, Teacher Framework & Dream Ideal Customer Method, to nail your processes, methods, niche, messaging and content.

> Your Unique Sales Position (USP) to build your standout brand

> Creating Content that $ells with ease

> 3-Phases of a profitable launch

> SIMPLE launch strategy

> Selling: Why people will ACTUALLY buy from you


+ all of these EXCLUSIVE Bonuses!


The Passion to Profit BLUEPRINT has in-depth trainings where I walk you through exactly what I do AND what I wish I would've known before creating, launching & selling my first online course and coaching offers from my own knowledge & passions 3.5 years ago.

You get the training, a COMPREHENSIVE workbook that walks you through the steps even more so you can deepen & integrate the info to fit YOU AND you get a Digital Product, Online Course and Coaching Offer List that has 325 Topic Ideas for you from 15 different industries....YES, this is a full blown course. WELCOME to my world! 

You also get lifetime access to the Passion to Profit BLUEPRINT, which includes any future updates! So you'll always have the knowledge you need as your business, brand & offers grow + evolve in the future!

You do NOT need to currently have a business to benefit from this course. This is designed for aspiring, new & current online business owners wishing to create, expand or scale their offerings and standout brand with their own digital products, online courses, coaching, consulting & service provider offers.

Here's the truth:

Literally *ANYONE* can create a profitable + winning digital product, online course or coaching offer.

For example...

9-5ers, Teachers, Medical Professionals, Lawyers, Bloggers, SAHMs, Crafters/DIYers, Athletic Coaches, Fitness Coaches, Health Coaches, MLM marketers, Affiliate/Master Resell Rights Marketers, Event/Wedding Planners, Real Estate Agents, Bakers/Chefs, Photographers, Interior Designers, Accountants, Travel Agents, Home Organizers, Productivity Experts, Beauty Experts, Hairstylists, Financial Planners, Investment Professionals, Marketing Professionals, etc.


Take your ideas to income faster than I ever have - while having the time of your life, chasing your dreams, impacting others in BIG ways & making BANK.


If you're ready to turn your knowledge & passions into Multi 5-Figures and Beyond by teaching others what you know via online offers - this BLUEPRINT is for you.


I'll see you inside, let's do this!

With Love,


Click Below to get started TODAY.



Not only have I done this work myself, but I have taught many other women how to create, launch & sell their own digital products, online courses & coaching offers AND create standout personal brands from their OWN knowledge, life experiences, skills & passions.

What's possible for you too.....


Now it's your turn, let's do this!

xo, Tiffany





© 2022-2024 - Tiffany Wallace/The Wallace Group, LLC/Well Integrated Woman -

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 Tiffany Wallace/The Wallace Group, LLC/Well Integrated Woman cannot and does not give any guarantee on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs, masterminds, mastercourses, coaching, plans, tools or strategies.

 You recognize and agree that nobody and no part of Tiffany Wallace/The Wallace Group, LLC/Well Integrated Woman Brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Tiffany Wallace/The Wallace Group, LLC/Well Integrated Woman programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses, mastercourses, or coaching and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise or representation by others. There is no guarantee of results or future earnings.