Become the Leader you were Born to Be.

The Strategies, Energy & Mindset to Drive your Next Level Influence, Growth & Profits in your Life, Career/Business AND within your Team on Repeat 


As a female entrepreneur, there will come a time in your business where you go from Solopreneur -> to Boss & leader of a team to scale your business.

A time when you know you can't work any harder or longer, where you want to lead your business in alignment with the values of your brand, where you want to uplevel your client experiences & be able to go LIVE your life alongside growing a THRIVING business.

A time where you know deep down, if you want to scale it's time to bring on a team or team members.


When you have the foundations, skills, confidence & mindset on how to BE a leader of others to grow your company - including how to effectively hire, onboard, create a self-motivated team, how to cultivate a culture of leadership & develop other leaders within your team who are able to work in their strengths WHILE you work in yours - you collapse time around the growth in your business, brand, profitability & most importantly the impact you desire to make through your business.

Whether you're an aspiring leader or you currently lead a team of one, five or hundreds as a female entrepreneur - understanding how to truly LEAD a team & properly set them up for success will save you so much time AND drive new levels of growth & innovation in your business that you most likely can't even see right now.


Knowing how to lead myself and others has been a catalyst to my business success over the last 9-years and the success of hundreds of other women that I have worked with over the years. The level of success that can be achieved through the consistent growth, evolution & refinement in your leadership skills…is unmatched.


Leading a team as a CEO I know can be challenging at times, but when you learn key fundamentals it will change EVERYTHING for you. It can bring a whole new level of FUN & scalability to your business & brand, so you can work in your zone of genius to move the needle in your business.

I have experienced first hand & believe the quality of your life and business comes down to your level of leadership and if you want to start, grow and scale your business with more ease & success - you must understand the fundamentals of leadership.


Inside THE LEADER Program, I’m going to walk you through the exact leadership principles I use that have taken me from hustling because of a lack in ability to move people, to a confident leader who knows how to lead & motivate myself AND my teams with the powers of vision & influence to drive growth.

I’m also going to teach you how to become a leader people want to follow, one who magnetizes, motivates & drives growth in people and in your business. Positional leadership will only get you so far, if you really want to reach the success you desire - you must understand influential leadership.

If I was wanting to become a better leader, starting my business from scratch or wanting to scale my business with more powerful leadership skills: this is the program I would take.


What we cover in THE LEADER Program:

> Leadership Types

> Qualities of an Incredible Leader

> Overcoming current blocks around your leadership qualities as a CEO & BOSS

> Shifting your Leadership Identity

> Conditional Leadership from a CEO lens & how to NOT fall into this trap

> Taking radical responsibility for your results

> Highly effective tips & strategies to lead your time, so you can BE - leader of yourself, Mom, Partner, Friend, CEO & Boss WITHOUT the hustle

> Hiring team members (whether it's a VA, an assistant or larger team)

> Connecting with your team on a business level AND whole human level...(hint - this is a KEY piece to having a self-motivated team that FLYS WITHOUT YOU)

> How to properly ONBOARD team members to ensure they are set up for success AND to save you a lot of time in the long run

> Communication strategies & systems to implement with your team (this IS KEY)

> Setting BOUNDARIES with your team & the consistent cycle you will feel with the level of boundaries you have in place with team members

> The importance of YOUR continued growth as the leader of your company

> How to create time & opportunities for your team members to grow, evolve & in expand in their own growth, too - THIS is very important.

> Working ON your business vs always IN your business

> Community & Team building activities & strategies within your team, how to implement them & the importance of being consistent with this.


This is for you regardless of where you’re at in your business (Whether you desire to improve your self-leadership skills, to lead your VA with more ease or to lead your larger team to scale your business - this program is for you). This program will help you learn, implement & embody key leadership skills that will skyrocket your confidence, purpose & results to collapse time around how quickly you propel yourself, business, income and others towards the success you desire in your business, money AND life.

This is for you if you want to access the exact principles, strategies & skills I have used AND continue to use - to achieve the impact, happiness & success in my life and business that I used to dream about.

I am sharing key foundations to what truly moves people to drive compound leadership & how to effectively lead others on your team without hustle & burnout, so you develop an unforgettable leadership presence within yourself, business & brand.

The leadership principles & skills I’m teaching you inside THE LEADER Program have changed my life & business and now I’m ready to change yours.


This program is for you if you desire to:

> Carry yourself with confidence and purpose

> Be seen as a powerful leader who is capable of leading, growing & developing other leaders

> Improve your communication skills so you can better communicate your vision, ideas and mission more confidently and clearly, so those you are speaking to are motivated to take action

> Be able to lead powerfully through every situation - the successful times, the challenging times & the deep growth moments, while holding your power, courage & commitment in any situation

> Become a focused leader who knows how to effectively lead others & teams with confidence, intention, power, boundaries & true empowerment skills to help individuals and your team at large work in their zones of genius to scale impact, sales & time

> Learn and integrate the foundations to your emotional intelligence skills to skyrocket your self-awareness, self-management, relationship skills & a strong mindset



Upon Enrollment, you get Immediate Access (& Lifetime Access) to all of the Teaching Modules, so you can Learn & Integrate at your own Pace - we Cover:


> MODULE 2: UNLEASH the Leader in YOU

> MODULE 3: BECOME a Leader by First Leading Yourself


> MODULE 5: CREATE a Culture of Leadership & Develop Other Leaders within Your Organization

> MODULE 6: YOUR Growth, Impact, Profits & Leadership Success Now AND in the Future


The KEY Leadership Principles I Teach & Coach you on Inside THE LEADER Program have Allowed me:

> To build a Multi-Million dollar sales organization that thrives while every leader who is a part of it thrives on THEIR own - I don't "hold their hands," they lead themselves, they're self-motivated in their own goals & these principles are how I created a culture of leadership & community that has continued to thrive in some of the most challenging times over the last 4 years.

>To effectively Onboard & Lead my first VA & eventually assistant in the Well Integrated Coaching Brand the past 2 years - with EASE & so much success...hello scaling!


I'm here to teach, guide, coach & co-create with you as you build the business, brand, wealth & life you are in love with.

You must understand leadership at every level of your business, especially as you scale your company. Leading others within your team setting can bring challenges, but when you're properly equipped it becomes magical. This is why I created the program FOR you.


The Details:

> THE LEADER Program has six self-study training modules that you get immediate access to upon enrollment, so you can watch or listen at your own pace

> THE LEADER Program is Lifetime Access.

> As part of the program, you get THE LEADER Workbook with questions & exercises, so you can personalize what you learn in the lessons to your own personal & professional leadership goals in your business AND life


A true leader is committed to their own learning, growth & evolution. A true leader knows how to bring out the best in others. A true leader is committed to their personal growth to become more than they ever thought possible. A true leader knows how to lead others with confidence, power & influence. A true leader rises when they are faced with challenges.

Are you ready to become that leader?


If you’re ready, I'll see you inside.





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 Tiffany Wallace/The Wallace Group, LLC/Well Integrated Woman cannot and does not give any guarantee on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs, masterminds, mastercourses, coaching, plans, tools or strategies.
 You recognize and agree that nobody and no part of Tiffany Wallace/The Wallace Group, LLC/Well Integrated Woman Brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Tiffany Wallace/The Wallace Group, LLC/Well Integrated Woman programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses, mastercourses, or coaching and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise or representation by others. There is no guarantee of results or future earnings.