Courses about Living & Leading your ALL as a Career Woman, Business Woman AND as a Mom: Leading your Time, Money, Wellbeing, Purpose, Relationships AND Work with MORE Ease, Intention and Success.

BEing a woman who drives her purpose in her career, business AND life as a mom, has the ability for you to create a ripple effect of legacy impact that will compound for years to come.


The truth is - building a career and/or business AND being a Mom takes a different kind of leadership and capacity.

I want you to know...you CAN lead your dream career, business AND life at the SAME time. 

Being a Mom is a job itself, building a career and/or business is a job itself. Both require us to hold a lot from a leadership, emotional, alignment, heart, trust and belief standpoint.


As women, we wear many hats and when we become mothers our hearts are taken to new levels for the role we play in our children’s lives. Every age brings a new season of what “busy” looks like for us, every stage brings new feelings of us being pulled in many directions and sometimes the comparison of how we “should” be raising our children. The feelings of “enoughness” alongside achieving the goals we desire in our careers, businesses & having the life we want among it all - can feel overwhelming at times.

We were born to be ever-evolving, growing women and when we become moms it changes our hearts, minds, visions, time and purpose in more ways than we could ever expect.

As women who are passionate about our careers, businesses - the work that lights our soul on fire, the work that fills our purpose outside of the home that we know and have experienced first hand - makes us better moms. A career & business that allows us to give our kids a hug at the end of the day, not feeling exhausted or burned out from being away from them to work- but INSTEAD more fulfilled, present, calm & purposeful because the joy in the work we GET to do everyday through our career and/or business - we know is a key to us showing up as the mom we desire to BE.


The Mom who is...

  • Confident in how she’s raising happy, confident, kind, impactful children.
  • Filled with gratitude because no matter how busy life gets or what is thrown her way, she knows her North Star as a mom AND is the leader of her time, of her actions to truly integrate her purpose in her career / business AND her purpose as a mom.
  • Can let her head hit the pillow at night smiling because she is taking care of herself, doing what she needs to do for her wellbeing- so she can guide & nurture the unique gifts and strengths of her children as they grow into who they were born to be
  • Aligned with her values as a person AND her values as a mom.
  • Proud of the strong relationship she has with her partner/greatest support systems and feels confident in her ability to know when & how to ask for help to live out her ALL.
  • NOT afraid to admit the money she desires to make through her career and/or business because she understands the ripple effect of her success and while she has money goals she leads in her foundations + unique power of understanding it’s really about building wealth - not just “making money.”


Our children are growing fast everyday- they say “the days are long, but the years are short”...and they are not wrong.

We are often taught that constant, frantic energy is the only way to be a career women or business woman AND a mom.

But we DO have a different choice and when our eyes are opened to this - so much potential, love, growth and wholeness is unlocked.


What if you found peace in all the busyness in every single season that career, business, life & momlife throws at you?
What if you made decisions everyday with more confidence & ease because you are so grounded in who you want to BE as a mom AND as a career woman or business woman?


In my nine years of being a mom myself, I have learned there is no rulebook for being a mom. I don’t do this “perfectly” - I don’t believe any of us do, but we CAN do it to our definition of “perfect” because at the end of the day, we are all doing the best we can.

I have made many mistakes + done many things well over the years and while I don’t believe there is no one size fits all rulebook for us moms who are leading our homes, children and careers / businesses - I have learned what I believe, to be key foundational principles that have fueled my BEST as a mom AND entrepreneur in every celebration, moment in my career and challenging moments life & business has thrown my way.


I have started a business and worked a 50-60 hour per week, full time job as a teacher with a 4-month old and being a new mom.

I have grown a business to multi 6-figures alongside transitioning to become a mom of two.

I have led teams of one, to 30 to 600 while being a mom and thrived as both leader & mom.

I have started a Top 100 podcast while pregnant with my third son.

I have navigated a growing business while going into labor at 33 weeks with a week long hospital stay, a pre-mature labor and a NICU stay that nearly broke me.

I have created a schedule that allows me to not feel guilty when my children are in school or hanging with a sitter while I plug into the work & business of my dreams AND a schedule that also allows me to drop everything if I want, to spend a sunny afternoon at the park watching my boys play.

I have learned how to raise careers, businesses, babies, toddlers and 9 year olds…ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

I have learned how to be consistent in my business & what consistency looks like for me with alignment to my goals in my work AND life.

I have learned how to keep investing in & growing myself, so I can be the best coach/mentor, the best I can BE in my career, in my business AND the best mom I can BE.

I am building a world-class coaching brand & education business alongside three growing boys everyday and the peace, calm & confidence I feel among the “busy” is something I’m very proud of.

I know it’s okay to not be the “perfect”, calm & collected mom everyday or every minute and I’m proud I know how to get back in alignment in my career, business AND life when things feel like “too much.”


I am proud I know what my ALL looks like in my career & business AND as a mom because I know my boys are watching me every.single.day - believe in myself, make bold moves, have the courage to persevere through challenges and above all - watching me live in true joy and happiness because I am doing work I TRULY LOVE.


I can’t wait for the day when my boys are in their 20’s and we’re sitting around the table having a conversation and they say, “Mom, I’m going to take this leap and make this bold move for my dream work and I know I will learn, grow, succeed & BE better because of it because I watched you over the years do the same.”


This is the Well Integrated Mama. This is the BOSS Mom.

She is ME.

She is YOU.

She is all of us who desire to live, claim and lead our ALL as happy, confident, aligned, powerful career women, businesswomen AND moms.

If you’re a woman who is driven by her purpose she’s living out through her dream career and/or business AND her purpose as a mom - so you can drop the hustle, comparison & overwhelm once and for all because you have the tools to do so - this Well Integrated Mama & BOSS Mom course bundle is FOR you.


Some of the things we cover in the Well Integrated Mama + BOSS Mom Courses:

> How to lead your vision, goals & values as a businesswoman AND a mom

> How to make taking care of YOU a priority

> How to tap into your highest, BEST self as a woman leading your ALL in your business and life…starting, TODAY.

> How to raise kids who are confident, happy, impactful, kind & leaders of their own life

> Tips on raising confident, empowered children - this is where I share tips & knowledge from my background as a mom, teacher & educator with and Education Specialist Degree in literacy, talk and people self-growth + coaching

> How to communicate your goals & vision with your greatest support systems

> Tips to set values & vision with your support system to create more ease, alignment and less hustle in your everyday life

> Simple, flexible, effective productivity tips to help you thrive every.single.day so you can feel confident that you have a system that fits YOU, your goals and who you want to BE in your business & as a mom.


The teachings I will share with you in the Well Integrated Mama & BOSS Mom Courses have allowed me thrive as a driven, visionary, high-performing career woman, entrepreneur AND mom the last nine years...I don't just share my personal stories, I teach you my greatest lessons learned & belief systems around being a career woman, businesswoman AND a mom- but I ALSO give you potent tips + talk about how you can APPLY them to fit your unique situation, career, business, children, goals & overall life so you can create tangible results. This program will refine you and move you in the very BEST way.

How do you want to live the story you'd like to write about building the career and/or business of your dreams while being the mom you desire to BE?

It's time to step into the ERA where you lead BOTH in the dreamiest, most extraordinary way.


If it feels aligned, let's create MAGIC together!!

I'll see you inside! Can't wait!

Much Love,

Tiffany  xo




Tiffany Wallace is a 40 year old Business + Career Strategist & Coach and Money Mentor for female entrepreneurs, leaders & online business owners. She is a Top 100 Podcast Host & CEO of the Well Integrated Woman brand- an education & coaching company that empowers women to unleash their gifts, power & strengths to the world so they can live fully & create wealth in every area of their careers, businesses, money AND lives. From elevated leadership & confidence skills to branding, sales, online courses/programs/coaching & offer creation, money empowerment skills, integration and business development- Tiffany coaches women who have a passion to help others get clear on their voice, vision & strengths- so they can design the career and/or business AND life they TRULY LOVE and equips them with the tools they need to make it their reality.

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 Tiffany Wallace/The Wallace Group, LLC/Well Integrated Woman cannot and does not give any guarantee on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs, masterminds, mastercourses, coaching, plans, tools or strategies.

 You recognize and agree that nobody and no part of Tiffany Wallace/The Wallace Group, LLC/Well Integrated Woman Brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Tiffany Wallace/The Wallace Group, LLC/Well Integrated Woman programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses, mastercourses, or coaching and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise or representation by others. There is no guarantee of results or future earnings.