The ICON Program

If you want to get your mission & message behind your business out into the world - so people find you, stay in your world, fall in love with you & buy from MUST build a standout BRAND.

Your BRAND is NOT what you sell. YOU are your BRAND & in The ICON Program I teach you exactly what this means.


An ICON: A person who becomes wildly recognized, memorable & admired- especially for having a great influence or significance in a particular sphere.

We live in a time where the online space gives us ALL the opportunity to build a BIG business through our own unique strengths, passions & knowledge. One that has UNLIMITED impact & income potential and allows us to step into becoming all we were born to be, creating a ripple effect of impact on this world at large. It's a new paradigm in business, it's the opportunity to build communities & platforms that spread our mission & message to the world by being ourselves. It's the opportunity to create the life & work of our dreams.

And it's available to us ALL.

When you become ICONIC in your own unique influence, industry, business and brand - you become a person who is MAGNETIC in your business, purpose, money AND life.


I've been building businesses online for 9-years with great success & I've been helping people start, launch & grow businesses online for 9-years. In 2019 I launched Well Integrated Woman- a coaching brand to further support female entrepreneurs and in 2022 I set fire to the entire business model & strategies I had in place in my coaching business & brand. I dropped all the "industry rules" around brand, niche, ideal clients, launching & selling, offer creation, money pathways, my mindset around social media, selling & my energy in how I was showing up online.

Within a matter of months I had my first 5K day, followed by a 5K weekend soon after that and a 230% increase overall in revenue in just 6-months. My podcast started blowing up. More dream clients than ever before started landing in my DMs asking how we could work together & content creation started to happen with more ease, flow & FUN!


I didn't have a huge audience.

I wasn't on Discovery Calls all day.

I wasn't showing up on all the social media platforms.

I wasn't only known for one specific niche.

I wasn't only selling one thing.

I no longer saw social media as "bad" or as a "waste of time."


I DID have a BRAND, not just a business & the shifts I made to build those brand foundations changed EVERYTHING in my business.

Inside The ICON Program I will be sharing this work, exactly what I did to ignite these massive shifts in my business & what I continue to do that fuels my business to new levels


The ICON Program is for the aspiring and/or current entrepreneur who is ready to...

> Build a business that has a strong presence online

> Be seen as a leader in their unique industry

> Become more clear on their vision for their business and on their unique strengths & wisdom that makes them standout, so they can show up wildly confident in their power when sharing about their business online AND in person

> Feel confident & clear as a multi-passionate entrepreneur

> Clarify their Niche & Messaging, so they can speak to their ideal clients more powerfully

> Create content with more ease & flow

> Attract more dream clients who are not only magnetized to you, but want to be in your world & buy from you

> Have the foundations to build LIMITLESS money pathways in their business

> Build a brand that doesn't make them feel "boxed in" and one that can grow, evolve & expand as they do


What we cover in The ICON Program:

> MODULE 1: Becoming your OWN version of an ICON - What it means to build a business AND a brand & shifting your mindset around the online space.

> MODULE 2: Your VISION for your Business, Brand AND Life - Breaking through limiting beliefs, the mindset & energetics - to claim & declare the business, impact & income you TRULY want to create.

> MODULE 3: Create your STANDOUT Business & Brand - YOUR Brand Identity Framework: Unlocking your YOU Identity & Your BRAND Identity

> MODULE 4: Clarify your NICHE...the easy way.

> MODULE 5: Identify your IDEAL CLIENT(s) for your Overall Business & Brand, so you can connect with your ideal clients to drive more growth

> MODULE 6: The VISUAL AESTHETICS of your Brand - Bringing your Brand to Life & your brand elements: the colors, fonts, logo, etc + a mini CANVA Tutorial

> MODULE 7: Your Visibility Strategy - Getting your Mission & Message out into the World: Online content strategy to to start creating content with more ease & flow increasing your visibility & brand awareness, so your ideal clients find you and strategy to help you be seen as a leader in your unique industry

> MODULE 8: RISE into your Dream Business  Brand, NOW - Your leadership & embodiment to rise into your dream business & brand, faster.


When you step into your own version of an ICON you feel as if you're finally building the business that has always been a part of your vision. You're set up with the foundations to attract more dream clients, to create content with more ease & overall, increase your visibility and the brand clarity you've been longing for in your messaging and bigger vision.

Making the impact that lights you up, making money doing what you love & BECOMING a magnet for more dream clients, impact, income & wealth, not only in your business but ALSO in your so much more, is what the ICON Program is all about.


The ICON Program is a self-study program. Upon enrollment, you will get immediate access to all training modules & support materials - allowing you to watch, learn & integrate the information & teachings at your own pace. The ICON Program is lifetime access.

I can't wait to walk through this program with you & to see the massive transformations that are ignited FOR you in your business & brand.

To the moon, queen!

xo, Tiffany


A Peek into What's Possible FOR you (Testimonials)

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 Tiffany Wallace/The Wallace Group, LLC/Well Integrated Woman cannot and does not give any guarantee on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs, masterminds, mastercourses, coaching, plans, tools or strategies.

 You recognize and agree that nobody and no part of Tiffany Wallace/The Wallace Group, LLC/Well Integrated Woman Brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Tiffany Wallace/The Wallace Group, LLC/Well Integrated Woman programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses, mastercourses, or coaching and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise or representation by others. There is no guarantee of results or future earnings.